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Lawn Grub Prevention Services

Lawns may appear stressed or dying, while these grubs feed on the roots of the grass. Grubs also invite predators like racoons and skunks that love to feed on them, and can leave your lawn in even worse condition after they’ve ravaged the lawn by digging up those pests.

Fit Turf™ offers Grub Prevention Services, as well as Grub Control. The Grub Prevention treatment is applied to control the young stages of grubs, applied just prior to or during the period when eggs are being laid; this is the recommended, to prevent potential damage. Grub Control is used for those lawns that have been diagnosed with grub activity. It’s important to note, however, that young larvae are much more susceptible to control than are older larvae, so if you suspect an issue, please act fast and reach out!


Control Considerations

  • Irrigate prior to treatment, if possible, to move grubs closer to the surface to improve control.
  • Irrigate the treated area following the application to initiate movement of the product into the soil.
  • Increasing your mowing height to at least 3″ will product larger root mass, which helps protect the turf grass from the effects of root feeding insects, such as white grubs.
  • Proper irrigation practices allow the turf grass to better tolerate and outgrow the effects of insects that feed on leaves and roots.
  • Thatch layers in the lawn must be manually aerated once per year. Thick layers of thatch decrease the lawns response to insecticides, and promotes disease and insect infestation. Be sure to rake the leaves in the fall to prevent further thatch build up, and again in the spring.
  • Maintain a healthy lawn to better tolerate damage that does occur


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